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Fairfield Hills Management - 1/18/05
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 in the meeting room at Canaan House, Fairfield Hills, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Reed, Robert Geckle, Richard Sturdevant, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers, William Lavery, Donald Studley, Andrew Willie    

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, State Representative Julia Wasserman, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Murphy & Miles), Jan Andras (clerk), two members of public, one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Mr. Studley moved to approve the minutes of the 12/21/04 meeting as corrected.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Facilities Manager’s Report:  Ms. DeMarco reported that her company has been working to get the Kendro building ready for town and school employees now at Canaan House. The move will begin on 1/27 and offices will be open at Kendro on 1/31.  They are also working on the engineers’ house renovations.  The management and security offices will be moving there on 2/4.  On the same day, the boiler will be removed from Canaan House.  She needs to know the extent of mothballing desired for Canaan House, which will be used for cold storage only.  Chairman Reed thanked Ms. DeMarco for the work she has done in order to move employees off-site.  She has been very generous with her time and has exceeded her responsibilities.  First Selectman Rosenthal added that Ms. DeMarco has done a tremendous amount of very fine work at the Kendro building and working with town and education employees to put together the plans and modifications needed.  He also thanked the employees for their cooperation in this process.

Officers:  Chairman Reed received a letter from Ms. Ruby Johnson correcting something that she distributed to this committee last month.  Copies were distributed.
        Chairman Reed had distributed a draft of recommendations to be given to the Selectmen to be used in the recruitment, selection and employment of a firm for project manager services; a Suggested Scope of Work for the Project Management Firm; and a Draft Legal Advertisement for the RFQ.  During a lengthy discussion, a few minor changes were suggested and agreed upon.
        Mr. Lavery  moved to approve the materials for the recruitment, selection and employment for the Fairfield Hills Development Project Management Firm, as amended, and that the process for RFQ be completed by March 1, 2005.    Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Committees:  Mr. Lavery reported that the subcommittee met to discuss the creation of an authority or commission.  They feel that an ordinance creating same would be in conflict with the Town Charter.   They recommend that we look into legislature by the state or a Charter revision, with the subcommittee split 2-1.  The Town is now in the process of forming a Charter Revision Commission.  Ms. Dent stated that she is not sure that a Charter provision will work because we don’t know how questions on a Charter amendment will go to ballot. First Selectman Rosenthal stated that it is not likely a Charter Revision Commission could be ready by the November ballot.  
        A Special Act by the legislature with a “sunset” of 3-5 years, when a Charter change would be made was discussed.  After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Lavery suggested that the subcommittee look into what was discussed this evening and come back with a recommendation to the full committee.
        Regarding security, Mr. Sturdevant reported that air quality was tested at the engineers building and it was good.  Also, there have been no arrests of trespassers on the property since November.
        Regarding regulations for use of the property, Ms. Dent and Ms. Rodgers met with the First Selectman and have reviewed regulations from other towns.  They will be meeting with the Police Chief, Parks & Recreation Director and Health Director to discuss issues that may impact their departments.

Public Participation:  Ms. Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road apologized for distributing a chart showing expenditure figures to this committee with errors.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

                                                        John Reed, Chairman